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Writer's pictureJasmine Ray-Symms

Blessed Be

Most of us reading these words are abundantly blessed. Depending on what you are dealing with in life you may not feel that way but, if you have a roof over your head, food in your belly, friends and/or family that love you, you are blessed! Too often we base our outlook on life on American criteria: fame, fortune, and admiration but Jesus doesn’t say blessed are those who have everything they want in life. On the contrary, He says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit . . . those who mourn . . . the meek . . . those who hunger and thirst for righteousness . . . the merciful . . . the pure in heart . . . the peacemakers . . . [and] those who are persecuted because of righteousness. . . you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.” Matthew 5:3-12

Too often we focus on all that we’re lacking. I’m not saying our need for security, for purpose, for connection should be trivialized but God reminds us our blessings are eternally based. Our job is to move forward with what he has called us to do, rather than get bogged down in our selfish – or even necessary – needs. Our focus must remain on God and His will. When we put our focus on ourselves: what is God doing for me? When we focus on how God has blessed others, we become dissatisfied and we miss out on the blessings He has already provided.

Our focus, like most things, varies. Sometimes, we are in a good headspace and relax in God’s love, knowing everything is taken care of. Sometimes, we are lost, pleading for God’s miraculous intervention. Regardless of how we FEEL, God is with us. He is blessing us – maybe not how we want to be blessed – but He is there, He is with us, and our blessings are all around us. Let us live our lives with open eyes to see the blessings around us and open hearts to love others, not compare ourselves to others. Let us recognize this fundamental truth: We are blessed!

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