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Writer's pictureJasmine Ray-Symms

God Is With Us in the "No's"

I recently listened to a podcast on prayer. The host was sharing how God answers prayers, offering an example of an event that was nearly cancelled due to rain but God kept the rain at bay. I was uncomfortable at the comparison. I believe in miracles. I believe in an all-powerful God that intervenes in the lives of His children but if we concentrate on the interventions, we turn God into a magic genie that grants wishes if we rub the bible like a lamp. We need to be grateful for what God does in our lives but, when we concentrate only on the answered blessings, we miss out on the quiet blessings: the sense of peace knowing we aren’t alone, the people who show love to us by feeding us, helping us, or just spending time with us, and the strength God provides us to endure and overcome.

A friend recently shared she was waiting to find out if a worrisome lump was cancer or not. A group of us prayed together. I did ask for divine healing but also for peace. Whatever the outcome, I want my friend to feel the presence of God, knowing whatever happens, she won’t be alone. God will be with her in her fears not just in divine intervention.

Prayer is powerful. When we come to God with our praise and petitions, we tap into His infinite power source. We are no longer living our lives in isolation. We have the Holy Spirit on our sides. Romans 8:26 ESV “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” God is with us through everything, not just when saying “yes”, but also when saying, “no”.

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